By looking at this distorted image are you able to guess what the object is? What do you think it could be used for?
Louise Dennis (Assistant Curator) | |
A modern camera worth as much as a family car, capturing
the image of a Polaroid Instant 30 land camera AIBDC : 005272 that would have
cost the equivalent of two tickets to the cinema back in the 1970s. Note the
obligatory blue, object handling gloves!
Salad bowl with black servers resembling sparrows. AIBDC : 006699. I love this so much I am going
to buy myself a set to use at home.
A glow-in-the-dark puppy dog shaped stool. AIBDC : 006725.
What’s not to like?
Ekco type A22 radio, 1945. AIBDC : 006891. This is huge,
heavy and beautiful. I have a soft spot for Bakelite.
To get a better view of the image and find out more have a look at it on our website |