Monday 31 October 2011

You can do it with plastics

In our current exhibition, You can do it with plastics, you can find out about all the amazing things that designers and manufacturers can do with plastics which are more difficult with other materials. 

One of the subjects we have looked at is the notion of buoyancy.  It is not easy explaining in a text panel how buoyancy works but I have found this animation which makes a good job of it.

You can do it with plastics only has a few more weeks to run so if you want to see it do pop by soon.

Louise Dennis (Assistant Curator)

Thursday 27 October 2011

Do you know what this is?

MoDiP has the kind of collection that you may think you are very familiar with. We have objects which we all use every day, and some pieces which are more unusual.

By looking at this distorted image are you able to guess what the object is? What do you think it could be used for?

Post your answer in the comments below or to find the answer click here and you will be taken to the MoDiP catalogue.

Louise Dennis (Assistant Curator)

Thursday 20 October 2011

Do you know what this is?

MoDiP has the kind of collection that you may think you are very familiar with.  We have objects which we all use every day, and some pieces which are more unusual. 

By looking at this distorted image are you able to guess what the object is?  What do you think it could be used for?

Post your answer in the comments below or to find the answer click here and you will be taken to the MoDiP catalogue.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

MoDiP presenting at the British Library

At the beginning of November I will be presenting a paper at the British Library as part of their training day on digisiting collections.

They are putting on the training day as many organisations are digitising their collections as a way of providing wider access to books and documents in their collections. 

This day has been designed to give an overview of how to plan for and undertake digitisation of library and archive material. The day will also raise awareness of digital preservation issues. By the end of the day, participants will be able to:
  • Explain the benefits of digitising material
  • Give examples of the types of materials that are suitable for digitisation
  • Identify the issues to be considered when planning for digitisation
  • Define what is meant by digital preservation
  • Describe the risks to digital objects and explain how digital preservation can address these risks.

Louise Dennis (Assistant Curator)