Monday 17 September 2018

w-Rap: a plastics serenade for a synthetic century

What do you think of plastics? Today they are much in the press. David Attenborough’s Blue Planet touched a nerve and it has become fashionable to go plastics free. There are guides to plastics free festivals, plastics free sports events, and plastics free parties. Archers’ characters, Fallon and Harrison, have had their plastics free wedding and Princess Eugenie is planning hers right now.  But we have had plastics for over 100 years and they have become fundamental to the world we live in. Is giving them up really an option and are we in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

The truth is that plastics have changed the world for better as well as for worse. For example, the simple plastic bucket has dramatically improved the life expectancy of the 46% of the world’s population who still don’t have access to piped water at home. Even single use plastics have some advantages over traditional materials. Their use in hospitals cuts down infection and although some make the case for sterilising equipment, this uses lots of water and energy. Paradoxically, if what concerns you is energy consumption or climate change, it can be argued that plastic bags are more eco-friendly than more traditional alternatives. Their manufacture requires little energy compared with paper bags. Plastics are made from a waste product of the petrol industry and do not require the cutting down of forests. For the same amount of bags, it takes one lorry to deliver plastic and seven to deliver paper bags.  In 2011 the UK Environmental Agency published a lifecycle assessment of a range of bags and concluded that high-density polyethylene bags cause less damage to the environment than any other kind of bag. 

The performance will include soprano Brttiany Soriano and turntablist Ole Rudd (above).

The renowned composer, Karen Wimhurst who happens also to live in Dorset, has become so fascinated with the plastics debate that she has written a musical-theatre work ‘w-RAP: a plastics serenade for a synthetic century’ which explores what is good and what is bad about plastics. It is having its world premiere at the Lighthouse, Poole, on Wednesday 26 September. The performance will be followed by an opportunity for the audience to share their views on plastics.  Why not come along? Tickets (£5 + booking fee) available at

Susan Lambert (Head of MoDiP)

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